Stressed to the Max

Bye Bye Negative Thought #10

“I’Ve become ‘that’ person!”

Recently I was talking with a female colleague and she confessed to me, “Oh my god, I've become Dr. __!”

The person she described was a female attending during her residency training who was known for being the most berating and heartless attending in the program. She went on to tell me that she had promised herself years ago that she would never become what that attending was.

She sat sobbing because she'd come to a point in her life that she didn't even recognize herself anymore. She was absolutely stressed to the max—taking care of kids, aging parents, her practice and everything in between.

She had nothing left to give, it was showing and she was devastated.

Can you relate to this experience? Promising NEVER to be like that, work like that, say that and then catching yourself some time later…”Holy shit, I sound like___!”

But here’s the thing…you aren’t that person you promised not to be. You are only recognizing traits or patterns that you associate with that person.

So here’s the great news, this is not your permanent reality.

  • You don’t want to be mean and bitchy… can change that!

  • You don’t want to be exhausted and look 15 years older than you really are…a-maze-balls…we can’t turn back time, but you can change the future from this point forward

  • You want to start feeling more like yourself again and less like a mechanic robot version of you…wonderful…it’s gonna take some work but absolutely possible.

“How,” you ask?

Step 1: AWARENESS…you got that. You read this article and said, “Yep, I’m not who I want to be.”

Step 2: Hard core, in-depth, honest-to-God assessments into the status of:

  • The current external parts of your life

  • The current internal parts of you

  • Your boundaries

  • Your strengths and weakness

  • Your own self-awareness

  • How have you become the person you don’t want to be?

Step 3: Action around the future you desire and deserve:

  • What must the future be for you?

  • What would you like to attract into your life?

  • What makes you feel most alive/joyful/fulfilled?

  • What’s that thing you think about that is SOOOO amazing but you don’t share with anyone

Step 4: Get your booty movin’ (with the help of a great coach btw…wink wink). This is the part where the rubber meets the road. It’s also the place where most people don’t venture. They get clarity around what’s in their life, get courageous and start making plans but then *BOOM* fall flat on their face and make no ACTUAL changes.

Talking about being stressed out or burnt out can help some but true sustainable change only comes from a place of action.

If this sounds like something you are ALL IN for…why don’t we talk. Because I’m here to be an example and help. Click HERE for more deeds!