Are You Willing to Feel all the Feels?

My story on feeling inadequate


Tomorrow, I will sitting in a conference with 349 other women...most of whom are top leaders of their industry. I'm not talking middle management bullshit. They are the Presidents, CEOs, Creators and Founders of multi-million dollar businesses!

The. Real. Fucking. Deal.

And the story I was telling myself earlier was, "I don't belong there."

It felt so true.

I haven't even gotten there yet and I've been feeling like I'm suffocating.

But it's not true.

The #1 thing I love high level, badass women events and masterminds is because not only do I learn a shit-ton about business, networking and how to "do the things" but...

When the stories start to pour out, I realize, "It's not just me. These highly successful women I idolize...they have felt like I do know too or still feel this way!!?!?!?!"

Plus, by being the atmosphere, they encourage me to uplevel, lean it and play big because if they could do it so can I.

So I invite you...are you ready to put yourself in that room? To deal with your painful thoughts and feelings so you can grow? Because it will be the best thing you could ever do for yourself and your work.

Masterminds put you in a room with others who are achieving. So they expose you. To what is possible. To what you even noticed.

Masterminds have you shooting to achieve more than you ever have. They expose you not only to success. But to failure. And it’s all PERFECT for who you are becoming.

In these situations, it has felt so difficult, so full of failure and where I didn’t belong BUT it's all worth it because I have grown to meet and almost exceed ALL my goals!

Create a life I love jumping out of bed for. CHECK!
Build a community of like minded female doctors that actually care about what I have to say and care about each other. CHECK!
Grow a podcast to spread my message of hope and inspiration. CHECK!
Get paid to speak at a national conference. CHECK-a-dee-CHECK
Pay off all my life sucking student loans. Not yet but so much closer LOL

My thoughts about myself being in that room have evolved to the woman I am today. From panic and fear neutral to accomplished and confident.

My thoughts about myself in every room have evolved.

And now because of my experience, I watch my clients freak out, and tell themselves stories, like they shouldn’t even be in the mastermind, and I just tell myself, "that’s just their thoughts in this room".

And the question I have for them, and the one I ask you is.... "are you willing to feel of the feels in this room so you can come out better?"

I am forever grateful for the rooms I have put myself in.

Will you be to?

The Doctor Me First Mastermind is starting soon. It’s time to put yourself in the room, friend!


P.S. Get your @$$ signed up HERE

PS You can do hard things! I know you can because you have already done so much. I believe in you. I believe in the woman you are blossoming into as well!