Episode 123 Choice with Dr. Letizia Alto

Letizia ‘Leti’ Alto, MD is a hospitalist who currently splits time between hospital work, traveling, real estate investing and raising three children. She’s half of a physician couple on a mission. Semi Retired MD has become a movement. Drs. Alto and Weisman discuss claiming your life back, abundance mindset and that wealth = time + money.

I know you loved what you heard about Leti's course. Jump into their course, Zero to Freedom Through Cashflowing Rentals before registration closes on December 15!

Wanna hang out with Leti? Find her website at SemiRetiredMD or on FB in the Semi-Retired Physicians Facebook Community. Why there? With over 1,000 physicians and their spouses collaborating, thinking, and learning about real estate, something is bound to rub off.

Or, more of an IG type of gal? Find Leti on her IG account

If you are ready to join the Doctor Me First Mastermind starting January 2020, sign up HERE!

Book a Call with Errin HERE

Wanna be on this podcast: Schedule HERE

Email: errinweisman@gmail.com

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Sign up for a free sample of my Doctor Me First Workbook…to start the journey from burnout to living your best life! I got you back, friend!!