Errin Weisman DO -physician - life coach - podcaster-

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Overcoming the Sunday Dreads Series

You know the feeling of Sunday dread. (Maybe it starts on Saturday for did for me at times!)

You’re dreading Monday morning. You feel that lead weight in the pit of your stomach or that heaviness on you. You’re short with your spouse, you snap at your kids, you start feeling depressed and anxious. Your brain starts going a million miles a minute, thinking about the week ahead. One doctor I talked to will wait until her family is in bed every Sunday night and then does job searches on LinkedIn for hours.

In case you think “everybody lives this way,” I just want to say, gently, this is not normal.

This is not all you were meant for.

There’s a better way to live, and I want to help you find it. Over the next few months, I will be launching a blog each Sunday to help you overcoming the Sunday Dreads & building a life you love every fucking day!